The Monetary Policy Committee is responsible for fixing the benchmark interest rate in India. The meetings of the Monetary Policy Committee are held at least four times a year (specifically, at least once a quarter) and it publishes its decisions after each such meeting. The committee comprises six members - three officials of the Reserve Bank of India and three external members nominated by the government of India. They need to observe a "silent period" seven days before and after the rate decision for "utmost confidentiality". The governor of the Reserve Bank of India is the chairperson ex officio of the committee. Decisions are taken by majority with the governor having the casting vote in case of a tie. The current mandate of the committee is to maintain 4% annual inflation until 31 March 2026 with an upper tolerance of 6% and a lower tolerance of 2%. The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, was amended by Finance Act (India), 2016, to constitute MPC which will bring more transparency and accountability in fixing India's monetary policy. The monetary policy are published after every meeting with each member explaining his opinions. The committee is answerable to the government of India if the inflation exceeds the range prescribed for three consecutive quarters. From Wikipedia