Legal Proceedings Senator Bob Menendez Government Officials Public Officials Political Influence Political Scandals Indictments Legal Issues Legislation Legal Cases Investigation Foreign Influence Indictment Senator Robert Menendez Extortion Influence Peddling Foreign Agent Money Laundering Bob Menendez Gifts Political Scandal Lobbying Federal Indictment Senator Criminal Investigations Senator Menendez Government officials Sen. Bob Menendez Hunter Biden Federal Charges Foreign Relations Political Trials Menendez Case U.S. Senator Bob Menendez Favoritism Local Government Odebrecht Scandal Obstruction of Justice Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Legal System Charges Criminal Charges Conviction Ohio Defense Ministry Law Enforcement High-Ranking Officials Legal Charges Political Favors Elected Officials Federal Indictments Bribery Offenses Bribery Conspiracy Politicians Businessmen Power and Influence Legal Trouble Legal Corruption Favors for Donors Lobbying After Leaving Office Foreign Government Payments Questionable Work Federal Bribery Charges Senator Menendez Case Menendez and New Jersey Businessmen Foreign Senator Political Figures Senatorial Bribery Scandals Charges against Sen. Bob Menendez Federal Bribery Allegations Menendez Bribery Indictment Senator Menendez's Case U.S. Senators Senators Bribery Charges Egyptian American businessman U.S. Senator Foreign Bribes Justice Department Investigations Egyptian Government Senatorial Bribery Accepting Bribes Cash Gold Bars Car Menendez Indictment Federal Investigation FBI Investigation Qatar US Senator Bob Menendez US Senator Robert Menendez Russian Politics Government Corruption Mexican Drug Cartel Arizona Republican Party Attempted Bribery Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit US Senate Bribery Investigations Impeachment