Children Marriages Survivors Marriage Legacy Surviving Family Members Relationships Surviving Family Fatherhood Background Career Siblings Daughter Parenting Childhood Daughters Surviving Relatives Education Parents Early Life Survived By Kris Kristofferson Father John Amos' Marriages Reflections Nieces and Nephews Cissy Houston Alvin Rakoff Ron Ely Tragedy Jack Jones Influences Tributes Teri Garr Joanna Frank Quincy Jones Timothy West Prunella Scales Rashida Jones Chuck Woolery Philanthropy Isabel Le Nouvel Wayne Northrop Kathleen Brennan Kreskin's Background Sergei Polunin Final Days Geoffrey Deuel Aubrey Plaza Gwen Van Dam Marriage to Laurence Olivier Ryan Day Jeff Torborg Jan Shepard Hella Ruthardt Julian Holloway Eileen Jason Spouse Burt Young Chita Rivera DJ Unk Bob Newhart Virginia Quinn Bob Newhart's Marriage Bob Newhart's Family Gabrielle Giffords Military Background Randal Malone's Relationships Nick Cassavetes Peter Marshall John Aprea Richard Simmons' Family Motherhood Fatman Scoop Nina Simon Heritage Judith Hinsliff Bing Crosby Sons Sons and Grandchildren John Ashton