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Sauron Galadriel Daemon Targaryen Celebrimbor House of the Dragon Blood and Cheese Dragonriders Elrond Tom Bombadil Daeron Targaryen Barrow-wights Targaryen Family House of the Dragon Characters Alys Rivers Dragonseeds Targaryen Dynasty Valyrian Bloodline Daenerys Targaryen Rhaenyra Targaryen Gods Faeries King Jaehaerys I Targaryen Ulf the White Hugh Hammer Addam of Hull Alyn of Hull Targaryens Beren, Tuor, and Ëarendil The Endless Vox Machina Gandalf Saruman Elves Rand al'Thor Moiraine Damodred Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan Conflicts Plot Details Zuko Aang Katara Sokka Rhaenyra Plot Nell Vecna Villains Jayden Revri Isildur Assassins Dragon Owners Main Characters Aemond Targaryen Queen Helaena Targaryen Ser Duncan the Tall Egg (Aegon Targaryen)

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