House of Representatives Congress Senate U.S. Senate U.S. Congress State Legislature U.S. House of Representatives House Oversight Committee Parliament Senators US Congress House Speaker House Judiciary Committee US House of Representatives United States Senate Committees State Government House Republicans US Senate Speaker of the House State Legislatures State Senate House Committee Senate Leadership Senate Judiciary Committee United States Congress Members of Congress National Assembly Congressional Committees Redistricting Lawmakers Funding House Debt Ceiling Judicial Branch Supreme Court Impeachment State Legislation House Oversight and Accountability Committee House of Commons Senator House Democrats Appropriations Congressional Democrats Impeachment Process General Assembly House Armed Services Committee Majority Leader Senate Committees National Legislature Congressional Actions House Ways and Means Committee Democrats Legislative Process United States House of Representatives House Committees Congressional Oversight Executive Branch Congressional Leaders House Speaker Mike Johnson Senate Majority Leader Members of Parliament Knesset Appropriations Bills Elections Legislation Spending Bills House Leadership Bipartisanship State Legislators Alabama Legislature House Select Committee Senate Foreign Relations Committee Defense Legislation State Capitol Budget Process Debt Ceiling Negotiations House Minority Leader Congressional Approval Process Congressional Contempt Ethics Oversight Political Leadership Budget House and Senate Term Limits Politicians Impact on Economy State Laws Constituencies State-Level Meeting Request Denial Debt Ceiling Changes Congressional Staff Capitol Police Briefings Government Shutdown Negotiations Recess Senate Buildings Bundestag Upper House