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Government Politics Coalition Politics

Political Parties

FDP SPD CDU CDU, BSW, SPD Social Democrats Austria SPD, Greens, FDP Germany CDU/CSU and SPD Negotiations FDP, SPD, Grüne Green Party CDU/CSU Greens SPD and BSW Coalition ACT New Zealand CDU and SPD Negotiations Ensemble pour la République Ampel Coalition Ampel-Koalition Social-Democratic Party Negotiations Ampelkoalition SPD, FDP, Greens SPD, Grünen und FDP German Politics CSU SPD, Grüne, FDP Left Party SPD, FDP, and Greens Liberal Democratic Party CDU and BSW Negotiations Policy Decisions Left-wing Politics NSC Party Far-right Politics SPD and FDP Relations Free Democratic Party SPD and Greens Ireland Fianna Fail Centrist Parties Républicains United Torah Judaism Otzma Yehudit Conservative Party ÖVP and FPÖ Negotiations Rassemblement National Freedom Party (FPÖ) People's Party (ÖVP) ÖVP, SPÖ, Neos SPD and Union Dynamics Union and SPD Israeli Politics Fine Gael Likud Party Social Democratic Party (SPD) Union Parties BSW Thüringen CDU, SPD, BSW Negotiations Grüne BSW and SPD SPD and BSW Coalition Talks Social Democrats (SPD) Free Democrats (FDP) Free Democrats BSW, CDU, SPD Negotiations