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Republican Party Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Senate Leadership Succession Senate Leadership Senate Republican Leader Senator Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Senate Republicans Senate border deal Border security package Bipartisan Agreement Impeachment Trial Conviction or Acquittal Senator Ron Johnson GOP Leadership Senate Norms Judicial Confirmation Wars Campaign-Finance Reforms Senate Minority Leader Senate GOP Senate Leadership Influence Senate Republican Leader Succession Potential Successors to Mitch McConnell Senate Republican Leader Candidates Republican Party Dynamics Republican Party Leadership Approach Republican Party Criticisms Senate Leadership Race Senate Republican Leadership Alabama Senate Senate Majority Elections Senate Leadership Candidates Senate Leadership Preferences Senator Joe Manchin Senate Republicans' Positions on Aid to Ukraine U.S. Senate Senate Nominees Republican Senators Democratic Senators in Swing States Democratic Senators' Stances on Israel Nominee Senator Bob Menendez Senate Foreign Relations Committee TikTok Ban Bill Passage Sen. Klobuchar Senate Leaders Senate Democrats Vice President Democratic Party Confirmation Votes Judicial Nominees Legislation Partisan Differences Confirmation Process Senate Majority Leader Border Security