World's Largest Prime Number Discovered by Hobby Mathematician
A 36-year-old Californian has uncovered a new prime number with over 41 million digits using a global network of computing power.
- The newly discovered prime number has exactly 41,024,320 digits, surpassing the previous record by more than 16 million digits.
- Luke Durant, a hobby mathematician from San José, California, utilized a cloud-based supercomputer network spanning 24 data center regions across 17 countries.
- This number, termed M136279841, is a Mersenne prime, calculated by multiplying the number 2 by itself 136,279,841 times and subtracting 1.
- The discovery was part of the collaborative Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project, which has found 18 new prime numbers since its inception in 1996.
- Prime numbers are crucial in cryptography and the understanding of natural phenomena, yet their distribution remains one of mathematics' great unsolved mysteries.