World Cup Ski Circuit Plagued by Severe Crashes
Norwegian Skier Ragnhild Mowinckel Wins Wind-Affected Race in Cortina
- Top skiers, including former World Cup champions and Olympic gold medalists, have been involved in severe crashes during races over the past 15 days.
- Many skiers are pointing to an overloaded schedule in January after many races were canceled at the start of the season as a possible reason for the increased number of accidents.
- There have been calls for cut-proof underwear, already required in parallel events, to become mandatory in more races to prevent injuries from super-sharp ski edges during crashes.
- Norwegian skier Ragnhild Mowinckel won a wind-affected World Cup downhill in Cortina, Italy, finishing ahead of American racer Jacqueline Wiles and home favorite Sofia Goggia.
- The race was marked by a series of crashes and delays, with Shiffrin’s and Wiles’ teammate Bella Wright sustaining bruises and a cut on her chin after she went down.