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Woman with Double Uterus Gives Birth to Twins in Separate Uteri

In a rare one-in-50-million occurrence, each twin was born on a different day, one through vaginal delivery and the other via C-section.

  • Kelsey Hatcher, a woman with a rare condition called uterus didelphys or double uterus, gave birth to twin daughters, each in a separate uterus.
  • The twins, named Roxi and Rebel, were born on different days, December 19 and December 20 respectively, after 20 hours of labor.
  • Hatcher's condition is extremely rare, affecting only about 0.3% of the population, and the odds of a woman with this condition having a baby in each uterus are one in 50 million.
  • Despite the high-risk nature of the pregnancy, Hatcher's deliveries were routine, with Roxi being born vaginally and Rebel via C-section.
  • Hatcher and her husband now have five children, with the first three born from traditional pregnancies.
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