Widow Accused of Poisoning Husband, Stealing from Estate, and Profiting from Death
- Kouri Richins is charged with murdering her husband by slipping him a lethal dose of fentanyl, according to lawsuits and charges filed against her.
- Richins is accused of stealing money from her husband's accounts, taking out fraudulent loans and insurance policies in his name, and illegally profiting from his death.
- Richins wrote and published a children's book about coping with grief after her husband's death but allegedly used his name and likeness without consent and failed to share proceeds with his estate.
- Lawsuits filed against Richins seek over $13 million in damages and aim to bar her from selling her book and profiting further from her husband's death.
- Richins maintains her innocence and claims prosecutors lack evidence to prove she poisoned her husband, but the lawsuits argue she made moves to "profit from his passing. "