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Virginia Hunter Dies After Bear Shot in Tree Falls on Him

Lester C. Harvey, 58, succumbed to injuries days after a freak hunting accident involving a treed bear in Lunenburg County.

  • The incident occurred on December 9, 2024, when a group of hunters chased a black bear up a tree in Lunenburg County, Virginia.
  • One hunter shot the bear, which then fell approximately 10 feet and struck Lester C. Harvey, who was standing near the base of the tree.
  • Harvey was transported to two hospitals after first aid was administered at the scene but died from his injuries on December 13.
  • Harvey, a self-employed contractor and avid outdoorsman, is survived by his wife, five children, and eight grandchildren.
  • The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources stated that no charges are being pursued, despite the hunting party violating state regulations regarding treed bears.
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