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Vatican's Blessing of Same-Sex Couples Sparks Controversy Among Africa's Catholics

Bishops Fear Declaration Could Slow Church's Rapid Expansion on the Continent

  • The Vatican's recent declaration allowing the blessing of same-sex couples has caused significant controversy among Africa's Catholics, with many bishops expressing fear and confusion.
  • Bishops in Africa fear the declaration could slow the expansion of the Catholic Church on the continent, which is currently growing faster than anywhere else in the world.
  • Bishop John Oballa of the Ngong Diocese near Nairobi has advised his priests to only bless same-sex couples seeking God's strength to stop living in same-sex unions.
  • Some African bishops have hinted at a potential split between the values of African nations and the West, where some clergy had been blessing same-sex unions against the Vatican's guidance.
  • The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference has affirmed that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, must be treated with the dignity they deserve as God's children.
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