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UnitedHealthcare Sued Over Alleged Faulty AI Model in Medicare Claims Denial

Class Action Lawsuit Claims AI System with 90% Error Rate Overrides Physicians' Recommendations, Leading to Wrongful Denial of Healthcare Claims for Seniors

  • UnitedHealthcare is facing a class action lawsuit alleging the wrongful denial of healthcare claims for senior patients based on a faulty AI model, nH Predict.
  • The AI model, developed by NaviHealth, a company acquired by UnitedHealthcare in 2020, is accused of having a 90% error rate and overriding physicians' recommendations for post-acute care.
  • The lawsuit alleges that UnitedHealthcare instructed its employees not to deviate from the AI model's predictions and disciplined or terminated those who did so.
  • UnitedHealthcare's use of the AI model allegedly conflicts with Medicare Advantage coverage rules, leading to premature discontinuation of payment for healthcare services.
  • When patient claim denials are appealed, 90% of the AI model's determinations are reversed, indicating its inaccuracy.
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