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UN Report: South Asia's Children Face Severe Water Scarcity

Climate Change and Mismanagement Exacerbate Crisis, UNICEF to Address Issue at COP28

  • A UN report reveals that 347 million children in South Asia are facing severe water scarcity, the highest number among all regions in the world.
  • Climate change is disrupting weather patterns and rainfall, leading to unpredictable water availability in the region.
  • Poor water quality, lack of water and mismanagement such as over-pumping of aquifers are cited as reasons for the scarcity, with climate change further decreasing the amount of water replenishing them.
  • Last year, 45 million children lacked access to basic drinking water services in South Asia, more than any other region, but UNICEF said services were expanding rapidly, with that number slated to be halved by 2030.
  • UNICEF will call for leaders to secure a livable planet at the upcoming UN COP28 climate conference in Dubai.
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