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UN Agency Approves Japan's Plan to Release Treated Fukushima Nuclear Wastewater Despite Regional Concerns

  • Japan plans to release over a million tonnes of treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean over several decades.
  • The UN's nuclear watchdog reviewed and approved Japan's plan, concluding it meets international safety standards, but it faces opposition from China, South Korea, and activists.
  • South Korea conducted an independent review and also deemed the plan safe but will not lift an import ban on Fukushima seafood.
  • The water has been filtered to remove most radioactive materials, but some tritium remains, leading to concerns about long-term impact and harm to the environment and public health.
  • The head of the UN agency visited Japan, South Korea and Pacific island nations to address concerns, calling the interest in the plan "logical" but defending the approval process as "scientific."
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