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UBS Fined €75,000 in France for Harassment of Whistleblowers

The Swiss bank was found guilty of harassing two former employees who exposed its tax evasion practices, marking a legal first in France.

  • UBS was fined €75,000, the maximum penalty, for the moral harassment of two whistleblowers by its French subsidiary.
  • The whistleblowers, Nicolas Forissier and Stéphanie Gibaud, had revealed UBS's system of facilitating tax evasion for wealthy French clients.
  • Nicolas Forissier was awarded €50,000 in damages, while Stéphanie Gibaud withdrew her civil claim after reaching a settlement with the bank.
  • UBS was acquitted of charges related to witness tampering and obstruction of workplace safety regulations.
  • This case follows UBS's earlier legal troubles, including a €3.7 billion fine in 2019 for tax fraud, with ongoing proceedings to reassess penalties.
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