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India Demands Return of Nationals Recruited by Russian Army After Deaths in Ukraine

India Demands Return of Nationals Recruited by Russian Army After Deaths in Ukraine
6 articles | last updated: Jun 12 17:16:39

Two Indians killed in the conflict prompt the Indian government to call for immediate repatriation and an end to further recruitment.

Two Indian nationals recently recruited by the Russian military have been killed in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, prompting a strong response from the Indian government. The Ministry of External Affairs in India confirmed the deaths and has urged Russian authorities to facilitate the repatriation of the deceased individuals' remains. This incident highlights the troubling trend of foreign recruitment into the Russian armed forces, particularly from countries like India, where individuals are often lured by promises of lucrative employment.

The Indian government has taken the matter seriously, demanding an immediate halt to the recruitment of its citizens by the Russian military. In a statement, officials emphasized the need for a "verified stop" to such activities, which they argue are inconsistent with the longstanding partnership between India and Russia. The Ministry of External Affairs has also advised Indian nationals to exercise caution when seeking job opportunities in Russia, a country that has been embroiled in conflict since its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Reports indicate that many Indians have been duped into joining the Russian military under false pretenses, often through social media channels that promise high salaries and even Russian citizenship. Some individuals have reported being coerced into combat roles after arriving in Russia, contrary to their initial understanding of the positions they were offered. The Indian government has acknowledged that at least 200 nationals have been recruited since last year, with some individuals reportedly receiving combat training upon arrival.

In response to the growing concern over human trafficking, Indian authorities have launched investigations into networks that exploit vulnerable individuals. Recently, law enforcement agencies arrested several individuals linked to a trafficking ring that allegedly lured young men with promises of jobs or educational opportunities, only to send them to the front lines in Ukraine. The Central Bureau of Investigation has reported that approximately 35 Indian men were deceived in this manner, raising alarms about the safety and well-being of citizens abroad.

The deaths of the two Indian nationals are not isolated incidents; at least two others have died in the conflict earlier this year. The Indian government has been in contact with Russian officials to secure the release of other nationals who may still be serving in the Russian military. Despite these tragic events, India has maintained a cautious diplomatic stance, refraining from publicly condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine. Instead, Indian officials have called for dialogue and peaceful resolution between the conflicting parties.

This situation is not unique to India. Other countries in the region, such as Nepal and Sri Lanka, have also reported cases of their citizens being recruited to fight for Russia, often under similar deceptive circumstances. Nepalese authorities have confirmed that at least 20 of their nationals have died in the conflict, while Sri Lanka has seen at least 16 former soldiers killed. These developments have prompted both nations to issue warnings to their citizens about the dangers of being lured into conflict zones.

As the war in Ukraine continues to evolve, the implications of foreign recruitment into the Russian military raise significant ethical and humanitarian concerns. The exploitation of individuals seeking better opportunities abroad not only endangers lives but also complicates international relations, particularly for countries like India that have historically maintained close ties with Russia. The Indian government’s response to this crisis will likely shape its diplomatic posture in the region and influence its relationship with both Russia and its own citizens.

In light of these events, the Indian government is faced with the dual challenge of protecting its citizens abroad while navigating the complexities of international diplomacy in a time of conflict. The tragic deaths of these individuals serve as a stark reminder of the human cost of war and the vulnerabilities that can be exploited in times of crisis.

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