Twitch Streamer Controls Video Games with Her Mind
Using an EEG device, Perrikaryal has developed a method to play video games using mental commands, with her latest achievement in the game Palworld.
- Twitch streamer Perrikaryal uses an electroencephalogram (EEG) device to play video games with her mind, most recently the game Palworld.
- Perrikaryal has previously used this technology to play and beat other games, including Elden Ring.
- In Palworld, she uses four mental commands to control her character, including imagining a cricket jumping to make her character jump and thinking about anger for crafting.
- Perrikaryal, who has a masters in psychology, has developed this technology over time and considers her current setup the most advanced yet.
- Her achievements have been praised by viewers and other gaming professionals, and her technology could potentially be used to enhance accessibility for disabled video game players.