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Twilight Celebrates 15th Anniversary: Cast Reflects on Film's Impact and Their Post-Twilight Careers

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's Real-Life Romance Added to Film's Intrigue; New Twilight TV Show in Early Development

  • Twilight, the iconic vampire romance film, celebrates its 15th anniversary, with cast members and director Catherine Hardwicke reflecting on the film's production and its enduring popularity.
  • Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, who played the lead roles of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, respectively, had a real-life romantic relationship that paralleled their on-screen romance, adding to the film's intrigue.
  • Since the end of the Twilight saga, the cast members have continued to have successful careers in film and television, with Stewart earning an Academy Award nomination and Pattinson taking on the role of Batman.
  • Ashley Greene, who played Alice Cullen in the series, reflects on the impact her character had on audiences, noting that Alice's authenticity and individuality resonated with many viewers.
  • A Twilight television show is in early development, promising a new interpretation of the beloved series.
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