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Trump Opposes RNC's 'Presumptive Nominee' Resolution; Haley Continues Campaign

As the Republican primary race continues, Nikki Haley embarks on a nationwide fundraising tour, while Trump voices opposition to being declared the 'presumptive 2024 nominee' by the RNC.

  • Former President Donald Trump has voiced opposition to a resolution proposed by the Republican National Committee (RNC) to declare him the party's 'presumptive 2024 nominee', stating he should win 'the old fashioned way' at the ballot box.
  • Despite losing the Iowa and New Hampshire contests to Trump, Nikki Haley, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, remains in the race and argues that her performance shows the strength of her candidacy.
  • Haley is set to embark on a nationwide fundraising tour as the South Carolina primary approaches, with her campaign reporting an influx of $2 million since her loss in New Hampshire.
  • Trump's campaign has called for Haley to drop out of the race to consolidate support behind him, however, some pundits argue that the ongoing primary fight benefits Trump as it keeps media attention on him.
  • Haley's campaign has been critical of Trump, contrasting her conventional approach with Trump's more aggressive style, and has been focusing on reaching segments of the electorate that the Trump campaign is not engaging with.
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