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Trial Begins for Man Accused of Setting Neighbor on Fire Over Noise Dispute

Michael Gauci faces charges of attempted murder after allegedly igniting a blowtorch during a confrontation, causing severe burns to Sharie Gray.

  • Michael Gauci, 45, is accused of pouring flammable liquid on his neighbor, Sharie Gray, and setting her on fire with a blowtorch after a dispute over loud music in December 2022.
  • Gray suffered life-threatening burns to 70% of her body, requiring ongoing medical treatment, according to prosecutors.
  • Gauci has pleaded not guilty to charges including attempted murder, intentionally causing serious injury, and reckless conduct endangering life.
  • Defense attorneys argue that Gauci was not holding a blowtorch but a rifle and claim Gray was the aggressor in the altercation.
  • The trial, overseen by Justice Andrew Tinney, will determine whether Gauci is guilty of attempted murder or lesser charges.
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