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Tennessee Man Accidentally Shot by His Dog While in Bed

Memphis police report that a pit bull triggered a firearm, grazing its owner's leg in an accidental shooting incident.

  • Jerald Kirkwood, a Memphis resident, was accidentally shot in the leg by his one-year-old pit bull, Oreo, early Monday morning.
  • The incident occurred when the dog jumped on the bed, got its paw stuck in the trigger guard of a firearm, and caused the gun to discharge.
  • Kirkwood sustained a grazing wound to his left thigh and was treated at a hospital in non-critical condition.
  • The man's female companion left the scene with the firearm before authorities arrived, but police classified the case as an accidental injury.
  • The incident highlights the importance of firearm safety, with experts recommending measures such as trigger locks and separate storage of guns and ammunition.
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