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Teacher Files Lawsuit Against NY School District Claiming 'Anti-White Racism'

Nancy Jones Doering, exonerated of all charges related to a controversial noose display, alleges she has been prevented from returning to her teaching duties.

  • Nancy Jones Doering, a white teacher from Roosevelt Middle School in Hempstead, New York, has filed a lawsuit against the school district claiming 'anti-white racism'.
  • Doering was one of three teachers suspended in 2019 after a display featuring nooses, labelled as 'back-to-school necklaces', was found in a classroom.
  • Doering insists she was not responsible for the display and removed it herself upon discovering its offensive nature.
  • In 2022, Doering was exonerated of all charges by New York State's Teacher Tenure Hearing Unit but alleges she has not been allowed to return to her teaching duties.
  • Doering's lawsuit accuses the school district and the Roosevelt Board of Education of racial discrimination, retaliation, promoting a hostile work environment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent supervision, and defamation.
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