Swearing Parrots at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park to Join Larger Flock in Bid to Curb Expletives
Despite the risk of more parrots learning to swear, park's chief executive prioritizes bird welfare and hopes for a reduction in foul language.
- Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is dealing with a swearing problem among its parrots, with eight birds known to use expletives.
- The park's chief executive, Steve Nichols, plans to introduce the swearing parrots to the rest of the flock in hopes of 'diluting' the foul language.
- Despite the swearing, Nichols emphasizes that the welfare of the birds is paramount, as parrots are flock creatures and are happier in larger groups.
- The swearing parrots have become a star attraction at the park, with visitors finding humor in their colorful language.
- Nichols believes that while the parrots may not completely stop swearing, they may imitate other sounds and thus reduce the frequency of expletives.