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Survey Finds One in Five Women Dissatisfied with Their Jobs

Women report higher stress levels and dissatisfaction at work compared to men, with unpaid care work cited as a contributing factor.

  • A survey conducted by Forsa for the job network Xing found that 20% of women are dissatisfied with their jobs, compared to 12% of men.
  • The study involved over 3,400 employed adults in Germany and has been conducted annually since 2012.
  • Key reasons for job dissatisfaction include low pay, high stress levels, and dissatisfaction with management.
  • 44% of women open to switching jobs reported stress as a major factor, significantly higher than the 30% of men reporting the same.
  • Women disproportionately shoulder unpaid care responsibilities, such as childcare and eldercare, which contributes to their elevated stress levels and work dissatisfaction.
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