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Study Reveals Origins of 70% of Earth's Meteorites

Most meteorites are traced back to three asteroid families in the main asteroid belt, according to new research.

  • Researchers have identified that 70% of meteorites that strike Earth originate from three asteroid families: Karin, Koronis, and Massalia.
  • These findings are based on studies that analyzed the composition of meteorites and asteroids within the solar system's main asteroid belt.
  • The Massalia family, formed about 40 million years ago, is linked to a significant portion of L chondrite meteorites found on Earth.
  • The Karin and Koronis families, formed 5.8 and 7.6 million years ago respectively, are associated with H chondrites, another major class of meteorites.
  • This research marks a significant leap in understanding meteorite origins, increasing the traceable percentage from 6% to 70%.
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