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Study Reveals Emus and Rheas Can Innovate to Solve Problems

New research challenges the perception of large flightless birds as unintelligent by demonstrating their ability to develop problem-solving techniques.

  • A study published in *Scientific Reports* tested the problem-solving abilities of emus, rheas, and ostriches using a rotating puzzle designed to access food rewards.
  • Emus successfully solved the puzzle on their first attempt and consistently chose the most efficient solution in 90% of cases during repeated trials.
  • A male rhea demonstrated an additional problem-solving strategy by dismantling the puzzle mechanism, showcasing further innovation.
  • Ostriches in the study did not exhibit innovative problem-solving behavior during the tests.
  • Researchers suggest these findings indicate that technical innovation in birds may have evolved earlier than previously thought, offering insights into both bird cognition and the behavior of their dinosaur ancestors.
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