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Study Links Vaping to Reduced Fertility in Women

Recent research indicates that vaping can significantly decrease fertility in women by lowering levels of the AMH hormone, essential for assessing ovarian reserve.

  • A comprehensive study by Hertility shows that vaping lowers anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels, which are crucial for evaluating a woman's fertility.
  • Women aged 36 to 40 who vape have significantly lower AMH levels compared to non-vapers, highlighting the impact of vaping on fertility.
  • Experts advise women who are trying to conceive to avoid vaping, alongside other lifestyle changes such as not drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs.
  • The study analyzed data from over 325,000 women, providing robust evidence of the negative effects of vaping on fertility.
  • Public health campaigns and regulations are intensifying, with recent laws targeting vaping and smoking among the younger population.
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