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Student Loan On-Ramp Period Ends, Fresh Start Extended Briefly

The end of the on-ramp period means missed payments will affect credit scores, while the Fresh Start deadline has been extended to October 2 due to technical issues.

  • The on-ramp period, which protected borrowers from credit consequences of missed payments, ended on October 1.
  • Borrowers who miss payments now risk hits to their credit scores, wage garnishment, and seizure of federal benefits.
  • The Fresh Start program, allowing borrowers in default to regain good standing, has been extended to October 2 due to website issues.
  • Advocates urged President Biden to extend the on-ramp period due to ongoing financial challenges and legal issues with the SAVE repayment plan.
  • The Education Department has no plans to further extend the on-ramp period, and the fate of the SAVE plan remains uncertain pending court decisions.
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