Spider Bite Disrupts Flight as Allergic Pilot Treated Mid-Air
An Iberia pilot was bitten by a suspected tarantula during a flight from Germany to Spain, leading to delays for fumigation and medical treatment.
- The incident occurred on February 21 during an Iberia Airbus A320 flight from Düsseldorf, Germany, to Madrid, Spain.
- The pilot, who is allergic to spiders, was bitten mid-flight and treated with anti-inflammatory medication after landing safely in Madrid.
- The spider is believed to have boarded the plane earlier in the week during a layover in Casablanca, Morocco.
- Specialist teams fumigated the plane in Madrid, causing a three-hour delay before its next scheduled flight to Vigo, Spain.
- Passengers on subsequent flights expressed unease, checking their surroundings for additional spiders despite the fumigation.