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Sperm Whales Fend Off Orca Attack with 'Defensive Defecation'

In a rare display of ingenuity, sperm whales off Western Australia's coast use a cloud of diarrhea to escape orcas.

  • Sperm whales used a defense mechanism called 'defensive defecation' to fend off an orca attack off Western Australia's coast.
  • The event was witnessed by marine biologists and tourists during a whale-watching excursion in Bremer Canyon.
  • The sperm whales formed a circle and used their tails to propel their feces towards the attacking orcas, creating a large 'dark bubble' of poop.
  • The orcas, deterred by the cloud of diarrhea, eventually swam away, allowing the sperm whales to escape.
  • This rare defense strategy showcases the sperm whales' ingenuity and adds to the documented instances of orca attacks on sperm whales.
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