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Speaker of the House Mike Johnson's Use of Porn Monitoring Software Prompts Security Concerns

Software Covenant Eyes, used by House Speaker and his son to monitor internet activities, has potential for foreign hacks and threats to national security, warns experts.

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson and his son used the software Covenant Eyes, which monitors internet activities to prevent viewing of pornographic content, causing concerns over potential national security risks.
  • Critics have warned that the software, which monitors all activities on a device and sends reports to an assigned 'accountability partner,' could open Johnson up to potential foreign hacking and extortion attempts.
  • The software is said to take screenshots of each user's screen and send them to its servers for review, sparking fears over the compromise of private information.
  • Covenant Eyes has also been used by law enforcement agencies in the U.S. to monitor people on parole, a practice the company says violates its terms of service.
  • Despite facing widespread criticism, Johnson, an evangelical Christian, has defended his use of the software as a protective measure for his family against the 'darkness of technology.'
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