Sheffield’s Leadmill Loses Eviction Court Battle, Landlords Promise Venue’s Future
The iconic music venue faces uncertainty as its current operators vow to fight on, while new landlords pledge investment and continuity.
- The Leadmill, a historic Sheffield music venue, has lost a court battle with its landlords, Electric Group, over an eviction notice served in 2022.
- Electric Group plans to continue operating the space as a music venue but under a different name and with new staff, citing plans for significant investment in the site.
- The current operators, The Leadmill Ltd, argue the eviction undermines 42 years of their work and cultural contributions, calling the move unethical and harmful to the community.
- The Leadmill Ltd owns the trademark for the venue’s name, meaning they could potentially relocate and retain the branding, though they view this as a last resort.
- The venue’s cultural significance has drawn widespread support from artists, fans, and public figures, including Arctic Monkeys, Jarvis Cocker, and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.