Series of Earthquakes, Including Magnitude 6.7 and 6.9, Strike Indonesia's Banda Sea; No Immediate Damage or Casualties Reported
Quakes were the second and third in a series within a day hitting the far-off coast, with no tsunami warning following due to their offshore epicenters; residents report no panic as seismic events are common on the Pacific "Ring of Fire".
- A series of earthquakes, including magnitudes of 6.7 and 6.9, struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on November 8, 2023. No immediate damage or casualties were reported.
- According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the earthquakes were located far from the coast and thus, no tsunami warnings were issued.
- These were among 23 aftershocks following an even stronger tremor earlier in the day, and Indonesia's Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency has warned of potential more to come.
- Despite significant tremors being felt, especially in the town of Saumlaki in the Tanimbar Islands, residents didn't panic as seismic events are common in the region, being part of the Pacific 'Ring of Fire'.
- This chain of seismic events highlights the ongoing seismic activity faced by Indonesia due to its location on the 'Ring of Fire', a fact underscored by the casualties and losses during pevious serious earthquakes in its territory.