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Serbia's Election Unrest Continues Amid US, Russia Support for Vucic

Despite allegations of election fraud and violent protests, international powers remain focused on Serbia-Kosovo relations.

  • Serbia's recent elections have been marred by allegations of fraud and violent protests, with opposition leaders demanding the annulment of the vote.
  • Despite these issues, both the United States and Russia have shown support for Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic.
  • Vucic has been accused of using the protests to stir up resentment against the West and align himself with Russia, gaining points with Serbia's nationalist majority.
  • Despite the ongoing unrest, the US remains focused on Serbia's implementation of the European Union's proposal regarding the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo.
  • Serbia's government recently recognized Kosovo-issued license plates, a move that can be interpreted as Serbia's implicit recognition of Kosovo's 2008 unilaterally declared independence.
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