Seal Surprises Dutch Hotel Guest by Napping in Beachfront Room
A grey seal entered a hotel room in Vlissingen, Netherlands, through an open door and was safely relocated by animal rescue teams.
- A guest at the Pier 7 hotel in Vlissingen, Netherlands, found a grey seal sleeping on the floor of their beachfront room after leaving the door open.
- The Zeeland Animal Welfare Foundation and Marine Animals Rescue Team Netherlands RTZ safely removed the seal and relocated it to a quieter area on the beach.
- Rescuers noted that while the seal appeared relaxed, it became grumpy when its sleep was interrupted and warned that seals can bite if approached.
- Grey seals are known to nap in unusual places, with experts advising people to avoid touching them despite their cute appearance.
- The incident created an unforgettable experience for the guest, who described the encounter as a unique and fascinating event.