Scarlett Johansson Leads List of Celebrities Exploited in AI Scams
Celebrities like Johansson, Swift, and Jenner are frequently targeted by cybercriminals using AI to create fraudulent endorsements.
- McAfee's 2024 report highlights Scarlett Johansson as the most exploited celebrity for online scams using AI-generated content.
- Cybercriminals use deepfake technology to create convincing videos and images of celebrities promoting fake products and endorsements.
- Taylor Swift, Kylie Jenner, and Tom Hanks are among other high-profile figures whose likenesses have been used without consent.
- These scams often result in financial fraud, identity theft, and damage to the celebrities' brands and reputations.
- Experts warn that as AI technology advances, distinguishing real content from deepfakes will become increasingly challenging.