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Rescue Efforts Underway for Five Trapped in Slovenian Cave

Group in Good Condition as Rescuers Wait for Water Levels to Decrease

  • Five individuals, including three tourists and two guides, have been trapped in the Križna Jama cave in Slovenia since Saturday due to rising water levels following heavy rainfall.
  • Rescue divers have successfully reached the group and moved them to a safe area within the cave, where they have set up a heated shelter and provided food and water.
  • The group is in good physical and mental condition, but cannot be evacuated until the water levels decrease.
  • Rescue efforts involve 35 cave rescuers and eight divers from across Slovenia, with additional support from 11 firefighters and members of the civil protection force.
  • The Križna Jama cave, known for its chain of underground lakes, is a popular tourist destination and the fourth most biodiverse known cave ecosystem in the world.
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