Quentin Tarantino Announces Death of Beloved Fictional Actor Rick Dalton
- Quentin Tarantino announced the death of Rick Dalton, a fictional TV and film star played by Leonardo DiCaprio in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
- Dalton was beloved by fans of Bounty Law and for his iconic role as Eddie Karpinski, the flamethrower-wielding vigilante in The Fireman trilogy.
- Dalton enjoyed a comeback following an incident depicted in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood when he incinerated one of Charles Manson's followers with a working prop from one of his movies.
- Tarantino previously revealed that he had mapped out Dalton's life and career far beyond the months covered in the film, and had written most of a book about Dalton's TV shows and movies.
- Dalton's notoriety from the incident led to him being invited to the Republican Convention and appearing on The Johnny Carson Show.