Qatar Airways Criticized After Deceased Passenger Remains Seated Near Couple for Hours
The airline defended its actions, citing adherence to industry protocols, after an Australian couple shared their distressing experience on a flight from Melbourne to Doha.
- An Australian couple, Mitchell Ring and Jennifer Colin, reported being seated next to a deceased passenger for four hours during a Qatar Airways flight from Melbourne to Doha.
- The woman collapsed and died mid-flight despite the cabin crew's efforts to revive her, and her body was placed in a seat near the couple, covered with blankets.
- Qatar Airways stated that its crew acted in accordance with industry standards and offered compensation and emotional support to affected passengers.
- International Air Transport Association guidelines recommend moving deceased passengers to less populated areas of the plane when possible, though space constraints may limit options.
- In-flight deaths, while rare, are a known challenge for airlines, with protocols in place to handle such situations respectfully and minimize disruption to other passengers.