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Oregon Man Convicted of Kidnapping and Sexual Assault

Negasi Zuberi was found guilty of kidnapping and sexually assaulting two women, including holding one in a makeshift cinderblock cell.

  • Negasi Zuberi, 30, was convicted of multiple charges including two counts of kidnapping, firearm possession, and transporting a victim for criminal sexual activity.
  • Zuberi posed as an undercover police officer to kidnap a Seattle sex worker, transporting her 450 miles to his home in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
  • The victim escaped from a soundproof cinderblock cell after several hours by breaking a security screen and was helped by a passing motorist.
  • Another victim was identified, having been kidnapped and assaulted by Zuberi six weeks prior to the Seattle incident.
  • Authorities suspect Zuberi of committing similar crimes across multiple states and linked him to other violent sexual assaults.
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