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OpenAI's ChatGPT Update Threatens Startups, Allows Document Analysis and Automatic Mode Switching

OpenAI's ChatGPT update enables users to upload and analyze various types of documents, including PDFs, posing a significant threat to startups relying on APIs; however, the upgrade raises concerns over potential security risks.

  • OpenAI's new update to ChatGPT allows users to upload and analyze documents, such as PDFs. It also introduced automatic mode switching, eliminating the need for manual process.
  • The update is a significant threat to startups that have built products around ChatGPT. This is because they often use OpenAI's systems to help process PDFs - a feature that is now inbuilt in ChatGPT.
  • The multimodal support update doesn't require users to manually change the model they want to use. Instead, ChatGPT Plus users can now upload files and have the system analyze them.
  • The update is significant for 'wrapper startups' that build their businesses by offering services not directly available from the API. Cutthroat competition from OpenAI's evolving technologies threatens their survival.
  • Despite the potential for enhanced efficiency and user experience, the update has raised security concerns. Critics fear that malicious actors could manipulate the system by injecting covert instructions into web pages or documents.
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