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Olivia Munn Opens Up About Breast Cancer Battle and Future Family Plans

Olivia Munn Opens Up About Breast Cancer Battle and Future Family Plans
5 articles | last updated: May 16 16:20:00

The actress shares her journey of multiple surgeries, documenting her experience for her son, and hopes for another child with John Mulaney.

In a heartfelt and candid interview on "Good Morning America," actress Olivia Munn shared her harrowing journey through breast cancer, revealing the profound impact it has had on her life and family. Diagnosed with stage 1 aggressive Luminal B breast cancer in both breasts in April 2023, Munn has undergone a series of intense treatments, including a double mastectomy and multiple surgeries, to combat the disease.

"You never know what's going on in someone's life ... privately, people are battling things that you'd never know," Munn told co-anchor Michael Strahan. Her decision to speak out was driven by a desire to help others facing similar battles and to document her journey for her 2-year-old son, Malcolm, whom she shares with her partner, comedian John Mulaney. "If I didn’t make it, I wanted my son when he got older to know that I fought to be here, that I tried my best," she said.

Munn's diagnosis came as a shock, especially after receiving clean bills of health in previous assessments. It was a "lifetime risk assessment" test that ultimately revealed the presence of cancer, prompting an urgent MRI that confirmed the diagnosis. "Honestly, I just thought of my baby," Munn recalled, emphasizing the immediate fear and concern for her son's future.

The actress underwent a double mastectomy just 30 days after her diagnosis, a decision marked by urgency as doctors discovered additional tumors. In a poignant moment captured on video, her doctor encouraged her with the words, "Do it for him, do it for your baby," before embracing her. Munn admitted that despite her outward resolve, she was uncertain if she was truly ready for the surgery.

Throughout her treatment, Munn has faced significant physical and emotional challenges. The hormone suppression therapy, a critical part of her treatment, induced a medically induced menopause, leaving her with debilitating exhaustion. "I was just in bed all day long, all day long. My quality of life was so minimal and I wasn’t able to be there for my baby," she shared.

This exhaustion and the impact on her ability to care for Malcolm led Munn to undergo a hysterectomy and oophorectomy in April, her fifth surgery since the diagnosis. The procedures, which involved the removal of her uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, brought a significant improvement in her energy levels. "Whenever Malcolm would come into the home, he'd run straight to my bed because that's where he knows I am," she said. "And that was just too difficult for me to take."

Despite the grueling treatments, Munn and Mulaney have not given up on their dream of expanding their family. Before her surgeries, Munn underwent an egg retrieval process, a risky endeavor given her hormone-sensitive cancer. The couple was overjoyed to learn that they had successfully retrieved two healthy embryos. "We just started bawling, crying, both of us," Munn recounted.

Mulaney has been a steadfast support throughout Munn's ordeal, balancing his role as a hands-on father with his responsibilities at the hospital. "He’s honestly just the best human being," Munn said, though she humorously noted that his ability to make her laugh sometimes posed a challenge during her recovery. "There’s times I’m like, ‘You have to leave the room,’" she said with a smile.

Reflecting on her journey, Munn expressed a newfound appreciation for her own resilience and the importance of family. "I’ve learned that I’m a lot braver than I thought I was. And I learned that the most important thing to me in life is my family," she said. "Everything else can go away. I don’t have my career, I don’t have my body the way that it looked before. But as long as the people that I love and care about are here and healthy and thriving, nothing else matters."

Munn's story is a testament to the strength and determination required to face such a formidable adversary as cancer. Her openness and vulnerability in sharing her experience provide a beacon of hope and solidarity for others navigating similar paths. As she continues her treatment, Munn remains committed to fighting for her health and her family's future, embodying the resilience and courage that define the human spirit.

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