Ohio State Researchers Develop VR Device to Simulate Tastes
The 'e-Taste' system uses chemical sensors and wireless technology to replicate flavors remotely, adding a new sensory dimension to virtual reality.
- The e-Taste device, developed at Ohio State University, uses chemical sensors to analyze and replicate the five basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.
- The system transmits flavor data wirelessly, enabling remote users to experience tastes without consuming actual food or drink.
- Human trials showed a 70% success rate in distinguishing sour taste intensities, though results were less consistent for identifying specific flavors like cake or coffee.
- Researchers demonstrated the device's remote functionality by transmitting flavor data from California to Ohio for successful taste replication.
- Potential applications include immersive gaming, virtual dining, medical diagnostics, and aiding individuals with taste impairments, such as those caused by long COVID.