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New Theory Explains Unusual Properties of Milky Way's Crater 2 Galaxy

New Theory Explains Unusual Properties of Milky Way's Crater 2 Galaxy
3 articles | last updated: Jun 11 22:20:03

Astrophysicists propose self-interacting dark matter as the key to understanding Crater 2's unique characteristics and origin.

A new study has shed light on the origins of Crater 2, one of the largest satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, located approximately 380,000 light-years from Earth. This galaxy, characterized by its extremely cold temperatures and low surface brightness, has puzzled astronomers since its discovery in 2016. Researchers now propose that the unusual properties of Crater 2 can be explained by a theory involving self-interacting dark matter, a concept that challenges traditional views of the universe's composition.

Dark matter, which constitutes about 85% of the universe's total matter, is invisible and does not emit light, making it difficult to study directly. It is believed to form a spherical structure known as a dark matter halo around galaxies. The low density of Crater 2's halo suggests that it has evolved under unique conditions, particularly influenced by its interactions with the Milky Way. These interactions are likened to the tidal forces that govern the movements of Earth's oceans, driven by the Moon's gravity.

Despite the theoretical framework suggesting that tidal interactions could reduce the density of Crater 2's dark matter halo, recent measurements of its orbit indicate that these forces are too weak to account for the galaxy's observed characteristics if one adheres to the prevailing cold dark matter theory. This theory posits that dark matter consists of cold, collisionless particles, which would lead to a sharp increase in density toward the center of a galaxy.

The researchers, led by a professor of physics and astronomy, have turned to an alternative explanation: self-interacting dark matter (SIDM). This theory posits that dark matter particles can collide with one another through a dark force, particularly in the dense regions near a galaxy's center. This self-interaction could lead to a thermalization of the dark matter halo, resulting in a flattened density profile rather than the steep increase predicted by traditional models.

"Our work shows that SIDM can explain the unusual properties of Crater 2," the lead researcher stated. "The key mechanism is that dark matter self-interactions thermalize the halo of Crater 2 and produce a shallow density core." This means that, unlike in the cold dark matter model, the density of dark matter in Crater 2 does not sharply rise toward the center, allowing for a more consistent explanation of its size and structure.

The implications of this research extend beyond Crater 2 itself. If self-interacting dark matter is indeed a valid explanation for the properties of this satellite galaxy, it could reshape our understanding of dark matter and its role in the formation and evolution of galaxies throughout the universe. The findings suggest that a relatively small strength of tidal interactions, consistent with Crater 2's orbital measurements, is sufficient to explain its low dark matter density.

The study, published in a prominent astrophysical journal, involved collaboration between researchers from multiple institutions, highlighting the global effort to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. As scientists continue to explore the nature of dark matter, the case of Crater 2 serves as a reminder of the complexities and surprises that lie within our universe, challenging long-held beliefs and opening new avenues for exploration.

In a field where much remains unknown, the research on Crater 2 not only enhances our understanding of this particular galaxy but also invites further inquiry into the fundamental nature of the universe itself. As astronomers look to the stars, they are reminded that the answers to some of the most profound questions may lie in the unseen forces that govern the cosmos.

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