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New Study Links Comet 67P's Water to Earth's Oceans

NASA-led research identifies a molecular similarity between water on Comet 67P and Earth's, revisiting theories of cometary contributions to Earth's water supply.

  • Scientists analyzed over 16,000 water measurements from ESA's Rosetta mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, revealing a molecular signature resembling Earth's ocean water.
  • The study focused on the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio, a key marker for tracing the origin of water in the solar system, which showed near-terrestrial levels for 67P.
  • Previous findings from Rosetta in 2014, which indicated higher deuterium levels in 67P's water, were reevaluated due to the influence of cometary dust on measurements.
  • The research suggests that dust particles in a comet's coma can skew deuterium readings, and accurate measurements require analyzing water directly from the comet's body.
  • These findings reignite the possibility that Jupiter-family comets, like 67P, played a significant role in delivering water to early Earth, alongside asteroids.
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