New Revelations in 'The Way Home' Uncover Time Travel Secrets and Family Tensions
Season 3, Episode 9 explores Colton's mysterious time travel, the impact of broken rules, and evolving relationships across timelines.
- Teen Colton reveals he accidentally discovered time travel through the pond, visiting the 1800s twice, but breaking time travel rules by sharing future knowledge.
- Colton's actions in 1814, including advising crops to prepare for a harsh future, lead to guilt and the belief that he caused the devastating Landry fire.
- Alice denies being a time traveler when confronted by Colton, though her interactions with him and the pond hint at deeper connections yet to be explored.
- Kat and Thomas confront the impossibility of their relationship due to their separate timelines, while Elliot's arrival in 1816 introduces new dynamics.
- Del grapples with Colton's time travel revelations and unresolved family tensions, as Jacob's actions in the present day raise further questions about their shared history.