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New Fossil Discovery Illuminates Pterosaur Evolutionary Path

The Skiphosoura bavarica fossil provides crucial insights into the transition from early flying reptiles to giant pterodactyloids.

  • The Skiphosoura bavarica fossil, found in Germany, is remarkably well-preserved in three dimensions, unlike typical flattened pterosaur fossils.
  • Skiphosoura bridges a key evolutionary gap, showing features between early darwinopterans and later pterodactyloids.
  • The new fossil reveals changes in wing bone ratios and tail structure that may have enabled the evolution of giant wingspans.
  • Skiphosoura's features suggest it might have adapted to forest environments, differing from many coastal pterosaurs.
  • Researchers have reconstructed a more complete evolutionary sequence, connecting early pterosaurs to the massive pterodactyloids.
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