New Democratic Mayoral Primary Ordered in Bridgeport, Connecticut Following Allegations of Ballot Stuffing
State Judge William Clark dismisses the September 12th primary results, won by incumbent Mayor Ganim, after footage spots a woman allegedly handling excessive absentee ballots; scandal revives Mayor Ganim's past corruption convictions and the controversial 2020 election allegations.
- State Judge William Clark has ordered a new Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, dismissing the September 12th primary results due to allegations of ballot stuffing.
- Surveillance footage showed a woman possibly stuffing excessive absentee ballots into an outdoor ballot box days before the primary; an event that sparked widespread controversy.
- Incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who was convicted of corruption in the past, won the September primary by 251 votes out of 8,173 cast, largely due to absentee ballots.
- The scandal has revived past controversies and corruption allegations about Ganim and drawn connections to the divisive 2020 election allegations.
- Ganim's opponent, John Gomes, who released the surveillance footage after the primary, has sued city officials and demanded for a new primary or for him to be declared the winner.